DR JAWAHAR Surisetti, known world-wide as the “Think Professor” for his “Art Of Thinking”, has termed the new National Education Policy (NEP) as a game changer. It has transformed the existing school curricular structure from government or teacher centric to student centric, he said. Dr Surisetti served as the Education Advisor to the former US President Barack Obama and now advises the Government of India on policy issues and innovations in education, start-ups and youth affairs. He engages with 2.4 lakh children and parents across the globe through the UN expedition called Explora – exploring the minds of the youths. Dr Surisetti is a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Washington. He has been bestowed the New York Times’ Da Vinci Innovator title for his innovations in social education to help uplift the disadvantaged.
NEP has transformed school curriculum from teacher-centric to student-centric
